Full Circle Woman
Feeling low on energy? Frustrated? Burnt-out? Tired of doing “everything right” but always running on empty? I hear you!
In this transformative women's health series, let me help you maximise your natural well-being, creativity and happiness by working with the natural inner cycles and needs of your body and mind.
Based on the menstrual cycle and inner seasons, we apply yoga, meditation, natural medicine to realign, reconnect and empower.
The course is offered in three ways:
Lone Wolf
Pre-recorded Course
Over five prerecorded lessons and guides, learn in depth about how your menstrual cycle affects your body and energy, how yoga, meditation and natural health practices can support you to realign body and mind to get the most out of life. With instructional videos and guided practice videos you can do daily, you can take the course at your own pace, in your own rhythm, at home.
In Circle
Next Course starts Feb 2021, Dates TBC
- email contact@machayoga.com to register interest!
5 part live group workshop series covering each aspect of the course in more depth with support and encouragement. Delivered live on Zoom with Alice, we'll join once every two weeks over 5 in depth sessions. In the live sessions, we'll explore and embody each season of the inner cycle, learning about the biology, energetic effects, and intuitive self care of working in harmony with your body. This course includes everything offered in the pre-recorded package, and invites you to follow along that work between sessions.
One-to-One Coaching through the Pre-recorded Course
Sign up anytime
If you prefer to work directly with me you can! We can work together to empower you with deeper connection to your body, practical adjustments to your routine to get in sync with your cyclical wisdom, and address the emotional or physical blocks that may be in the way. Based on email consultation of what your needs are, we'll tailor a package to your needs of monthly or bi monthly check ins for one to three cycles. You'll also get the pre-recorded classes to work through.
Embrace Your Inner Cycle:
An Introduction to Menstrual Cycle Awareness.
February 3rd
I'm delighted to be offering this introduction to Menstrual Cycle Awareness - a way of living in better harmony with your body by understanding how your menstrual cycle affects every area of your life! I deeply believe every woman should have this information, so I'm offering this in depth introduction free of charge. It's a fraction of what I teach in my course Full Circle Woman, but it's exactly what you need to get started and see the exponential benefits of embracing your cycle!
Explore the Course
Frequently Asked Questions
Who is this course aimed at?
This course is designed for women who are in their reproductive stage of life specifically. Anyone from late teens up to early peri-menopause will find the information and exploration in this course useful, nourishing and practical.
I'm not menstruating/have a very irregular cycle, is this course still suitable?
Yes! This course is especially useful for people who struggle with irregular, unpredictable or absent cycles. This course will help you to learn how to gently get back on track if that's what your body needs or embrace your uniqueness and find connection to your reproductive centres and femininity in the absense of a period.
I've been diagnosed with a specific condition or collection of symptoms i.e endometriosis, poly-cystic ovaries, dysmeorrhea, fibroids etc. Will this course help?
This course will support you with the lifestyle, stress management, self-care and nourishment mindset that will help you to facilitate your own healing or maintenance of these conditions. The course is not intended to replace medical treatment or supervision, but to fill in the gap of information and practical personal steps you can take to improve your reproductive help. If this is you, please let me know what you experience prior to the course so I can ensure it's covered.
I'm currently pregnant, is this course suitable for me?
You can take this course while pregnant if you wish. It's not a pregnancy yoga course and does not replace specific pre-natal yoga instruction, but it will give you lots of information and inspiration about the female reproductive system to facilitate your post-natal journey and return to your cycle after birth.
I'm going through menopause, is this course for me?
Full Circle is not specifically about menopause, but it does contain a lot of content that is helpful, empowering and supportive of the stages leading up to menopause, i.e peri-menopause.
I'm on a fertility journey, is this course for me?
Full Circle is full of information that's supportive of fertility if that's your goal. The information can be used to help you lay good ground work for becoming pregnant in the near or distant future. It's not specifically a fertility course and should be used in conjunction with your fertility treatment and advice if you are undergoing IVF or alternative treatments for fertility.
I'm on the pill/bar/IUD etc, will I benefit from this course?
Yes most definitely. If you suffered from any negative period related symptoms prior to your use of contraception, chances are the underlying causes are not resolved but just the symptoms are masked. The information in the course will facilitate your body to be in better condition to resolve underlying causes and come off your contraception more smoothly when the time comes. The course aims to be equally relevant to those on hormonal contraception as those not.
I would love my teen daughter to take this course - is it suitable for under 18s?
I am happy to accept under 18's to this course if accompanied by an adult. Bare in mind there is mild, positive reference to female sexuality included in the course. I always recommend that you ensure your daughter is enthusiastic herself about the idea and you feel enthusiastic about learning more too! It's a great way of connecting as mother and daughter to be more conscious of the effects of the cycle on our experience of life and interpersonal interactions.